Protect your clients from cyberattacks & save your company from paying claims that could have been avoided.
Our easy-to-understand and explained REDXRAY® allows you to better protect your clients from targeted cyber threats. You and your client can decide what will be best for monitoring cyber threats. The cyber insurance company and its clients can receive daily cyber threat notifications from Red Sky Alliances’ ten (9) datasets.
Insurance professionals can view their entire portfolio on one dashboard, monitor more clients daily, weekly, or monthly, and decrease claims.
Insurance professionals can view only notified changes instead of having to review all content for every enrolled client. This saves time and resources every day.
Insurance professionals can receive notifications and advise a client of needed actions; the client can receive them if desired.
RedXray can help with ongoing compliance for all clients.
Insurance professionals can manage the entire service and inform clients that the best cyber threat service protects them.
Clients can also receive RedXray notifications to improve their cyber health and avoid breaches.
Insurance professionals can join Red Sky Alliance’s reseller program and earn monthly commissions from their enrolled clients.
Insurance professionals can decrease cyber insurance claims by monitoring cyber threats to their portfolio of clients.
RedXray services cost a fraction of paying out a multi-million insurance claim.
Looking to get started? Don't hesitate to contact us at 1-844-492-7225 for a demo and options. Jim McKee