Cyber Intelligence Briefing - March 20, 2019, 11AM


Wapack Labs is excited to introduce a NEW series of monthly cyber intelligence on-line briefings. Listen to top cyber professionals share threat intelligence that has the potential to transform your cyber security. Insights into who’s targeting you and the tactics they might use. Make these monthly briefings part of your security program.

JOIN OUR WEBINAR on Wednesday, March 20th at 11AM TO 12PM EDT to hear Wapack analysts speak on several cyber topics. Hope you can make it! But if you can't, be sure to REGISTER, and I'll be sure to send you a link to the recording.


How Big a Problem is Huawei?
Does the Chinese government plan to use Huawei networks out in the world for exploitation and information collection?

Credit Unions Receiving Targeted Malicious eMails
Backdooring BSA-AML officers’ credentials gives attackers unfettered access to credit unions customer financial records.

RDPwned: 4 Attack Types & the Solutions
The RDP attack cycle from start to finish. An overview of everything you wanted to know about a hijacking attack on Windows Server happens.

Pamela Bierau